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Partnerships & affiliations

Partnerships & Affiliations

Advancing the Venture Capital Community

Advancing the Venture Capital Community

Founded in 2001, VC Taskforce™ has built an organization that addresses important issues to the Venture community - including investors and their portfolio companies. We were established to provide a system of services including: business, legal and financial programs that provide real-time, strategic and tactical information addressing imminent concerns of venture capitalists and portfolio companies. VC Taskforce™ provides a forum for many types of investors: LPs, venture capital firms, institutional investors, PE and portfolio company management in which they can share ideas and information that will help them manage their businesses for maximum success. We apply practical information to real problems and concerns in the Venture Community. The venture community may request programs and speakers. Leaders in the Venture Community organize informational and networking events. Visionary thinking, uncensored questions and opinionated discussions around pressing issues of the day that face our members are the hallmark of our events. In addition to great content, VC Taskforce programs also offer great networking, so join the more than 18,000 members and participants who know the benefits of Being Part Of VC Taskforce.

VC Taskforce serves the interests of the Venture Community including VCs, Corporate VCs (CVCs), Angel Investors, and early stage companies, as well as the related ecosystem including attorneys, finance and others.

IPbiz2biz partners with VC Taskforce to provide leadership for Business Development and Strategy..

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Semiconductor Startup Accelerator

Semiconductor Startup Accelerator

Silicon Catalyst is the world's only incubator focused exclusively on semiconductor solution startups. We address the challenges faced by these startups while guiding them from idea to prototype, and then to product. Over 200 startup companies have engaged with Silicon Catalyst since April 2015, and we have admitted 14 exciting companies.

Silicon Catalyst exists to help semiconductor startups succeed. We have created a growing ecosystem of In-Kind partners, industry-leading companies, expert advisors, and investors. This ecosystem enables our startups to form deep relationships with people that provide value to their long-term success.

We provide the startups we incubate with goods and services from our network of In-Kind partners to dramatically reduce the cost of development. These goods and services include EDA tools, PDK access, foundry wafers, test equipment, design services, and other valuable technical and business capabilities from our expanding network of In-Kind partners.

Silicon Catalyst startups interact with a valuable network of expert advisors. In addition, our strategic partners share their experience and actively look for opportunities to work together with our startups.

Our two-year incubation program also provides a path to funding through our connections with venture capitalists, strategic investors, individual angel investors, angel investment groups, and government agencies that provide grants.

As an Adviser to Silicon Catalyst, IPbiz2biz works with early stage companies accelerate market adoption and business development.

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Global IP Business Development

Global IP Business Development

CamverTech specializes in global business development for the Semiconductor IP and EDA sectors. With direct sales and marketing in North America, Asia, and Europe, we have local knowledge of the technology hotspots.

We work with companies that may be defining a new product or (re)launching an existing one and and looking for fast sales traction. In our list of successes we count: facilitating 2 acquisitions, multiple alpha and beta customers as well as many successful worldwide sales role outs.

Our highly experienced sales talent is distributed across USA, China, Japan, South Korea, and Europe (including Israel), Combined we have closed over US$100 million in sales.

CamverTech specializes in:

  • Direct Sales (Semiconductor IP, EDA tools, Sales Automation tools)

  • Business Development (Sales and Marketing from audit to closing strategic deals)

  • Interim Leadership Management (CEO, Sales, Marketing)

IPbiz2biz is the exclusive sales agent for CamverTech in North America.

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Helping Companies Grow and Innovate

Helping Companies Grow and Innovate

We are passionate to help traditional companies take the full advantage of the new technological revolution and transform themselves into new technology-powered businesses.

Our clients include hundreds of top executives and board directors of Fortune 2000 companies, who are successfully changing their businesses. It’s time now for you to join this revolution.

SVIC immersion programs give established corporations a shortcut to clarity on the threats and opportunities of emerging industry trends. They bring executives into contact with companies and startups leading disruptive innovation, allowing them to see how their own enterprise’s practices and processes need to change if they are to survive and grow over the long-term. Immersion programs impart this knowledge in the space of just a few days, providing an intensive, inspirational experience which is sure to boost even the most ambitious digital transformation agenda.

Through a decade of operation in Silicon Valley we have built an unrivalled network of industry experts, innovation leaders and inspiring technologists.We leverage these connections to bring our clients immersive, transformative Silicon Valley experiences unavailable anywhere else.

Our individually tailored programs of meetings, workshops and company visits will radically alter your thinking on what it means to innovate. They will get you closer than ever before to the world’s most disruptive enterprises and show you how to adopt their practices to achieve your goals.

IPbiz2biz partners with SVIC to introduce compelling new technology and business opportunities to SVIC’s audience of Fortune 2000 companies.

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Data Driven Invention

Data Driven Invention

Iprova is transforming the way new products and services are invented by using data and technologies such as machine learning. We aim to invent ever faster, ever more disruptively – and as a direct result allow our customers to gain competitive advantage by bringing new differentiated and value-creating products and services to market. 

Iprova uses advanced machine learning and other technologies to augment human intelligence, allowing us to create commercially relevant inventions at high speed and with great diversity. Iprova has developed the unique ability to understand if an advance in one domain can trigger an invention in a different domain even if the two domains are very distant. 

We help world-leading businesses speed up and diversify their innovation, helping them benefit from opportunities driven by the huge levels of convergence currently occurring between previously unrelated industries. Iprova has been successful in creating inventions based on these points of convergence, many of which may become the foundation for new products and services across a wide range of industries and sectors.

Hundreds of patents based on our inventions have been filed by some of the best-known technology companies worldwide. Our customers include Philips, Deutsche Telekom and Panasonic in Europe and Japan, and leading technology companies in the United States. We have delivered inventions in diverse physical science-based industries including next generation mobile devices, wearables, 5G telecommunications, autonomous vehicles, blockchain and healthcare.

IPbiz2biz works with Iprova to help clients accelerate target inventions by discovering innovations in non-related industries that enable them to rapidly introduce new competitively-advantaged products and services.  

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